Vastu 2 Astro Solution > Astrology > Spiritual Healing

Spiritual Healing

Spiritual healing is a natural energy therapy which complements a conventional medicine while treating mind, body and spirit of a human. It is the best ways to handle stress. It is also an art of making ones mind and soul stronger so as to manage & handle stress with an ease. Spiritual healing helps you to get rid of bad habits without an inner struggle when you feel while trying to change your habits. It also heals most of the medical problem such as hypertension, body pain, stress, headaches etc..


Moreover, Spiritual Healing also allows a person to release all forms of the negative energies that cause pain and discomfort within the physical body. This is because when a body reaches a more balanced state it naturally begins to heal itself. Additionally, each one of us has energy pathways with multiple vitality points called Chakras. It creates a life energy surrounding everyone named an aura. When an aura is out of line, it often leads a lack of vigor, lethargy, and poor health. Therefore, spiritual healing helps in finding out the weak point in each aura, then force these spots to promote both the natural healing and rejuvenation.

In Sanskrit, a Chakra means “spinning wheel of energy”. The chakras are centers of energy in a body. Each chakra is connected to different body parts. There are total 7 chakras and each of them has different colors, crystals and stones. Using and comprehending your chakras can promote physical, spiritual and emotional health while carrying forward an energy to your manifestation work.

« MANIPURA CHAKRA (Solar Plexis Chakra)
« ANAHATA CHAKRA (Heart Chakra)
« VISHUDDHI CHAKRA (Throat Chakra)
« AGHYA CHAKRA (Third Eye Chakra)
« SAHASRA CHAKRA (Crown Chakra)


A human body is a field of various energies which is often termed as AURA. Sometimes because of experiencing a trauma, we often experience a Negative Energy which results in creating the blockages while stopping a natural healing ability.
Thus, we are considered as the Vastu expert in Mumbai who broadly provide such services while leading a person to live life happily and strongly facing all the obstacles as a daily coming new challenge.

Vaastu Shastra is an Ancient Science which comprises of five natural elements, Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space. Each element corresponds to a natural force affecting human life. Each element has its own meaning which is listed as follows:

Earth: Magnetic field of the Earth
Water: Gravitational attraction of the Earth
Fire: Solar radiation
Air: Wind energy
Space: Cosmic radiation


Vaastu Shastra benefits us with Health, Wealth, Happiness and Prosperous life while providing an immense cosmic energy. Thus, we Healing and Transformation comprise a team of the Best Vastu Consultant in Mumbai who provide such vastu services to all the aspirants at the market’s leading cost prior understanding the needs and wants of the people.

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